maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2007

What is it now?

For long I have had the inted to run a production diary of my many projects on a blog but my previous ventures have not been succesful. Mainly as I don't like to run a blog as much as I would like to write one.

Thusly, Idle Animation is created, and about six days from now I shall rest. But now is not the time for resting.

I have got to hand it to the people at Google (tm), the Blogger templates look like ass. I'm amazed that they couldn't make even one template that looked nice. Meh, this one shall suffice for now. I can't really be assed to make a new one just for this, if I'm going to make something, I'm going to finally finish the template for my new production company site.

I could go on. But I won't, so I'll continue with the topic of the day which is...

Movies! Yay!

I started a movie project about a year ago, and I have been poking around the script for months and months, nothing seems to be interesting enough. I could make a dark comedy, I love that kind of humor, but they are not usually very visual, and I would like my first project be something visual. I have so many good shots I would like to try out.
This new script I'm hammering right now is greatly influenced by Martin Scorsese, especially The Departed, and Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi. Visually I'm hoping to try out something akin to Zach Snyder and David Fincher, but maybe I'm aiming too high, I would be perfectly happy with a hint of Guy Ritchie. But that just means that there is a lot for me to learn.

Yesterday I scouted few locations and rather than just writing my script as I felt, I am going to build it around the scouted locations and set pieces. I find it easier that way when I'm basically making a movie with no budget, I would be happy to get few sponsors but that could compromise the marketability of the movie. You know, if I ended up selling it, OR even showing it at Sundance or Cannes. I COULD sell it on the internet, which is what the Star Wreck guys do, and they have some sponsors too, they seem to be doing alright. Oh I don't know, it's way too soon to be worrying stuff like this.

BTW. Where in the hell do you get actors! Everybody I ask doesn't seem interested, which is odd because if someone asked me I'd be over it like no tomorrow. BAH! People are wieners, a fact I must accept.

Well, that is enough right now. Next time I might rant about my game projects.

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